40 Years But Who’s Counting?


40 Years But Who’s Counting?

It was 40 years ago this month that I met my wife, my best friend, the mother of my sons.

It was forty years ago while vacationing in Hawaii that we met. She was from Chicago. I was stationed in North Carolina.

It was a twist of fate that brought us together; one I’ll write about at some point in the future. We spent three days together. In that short period of time we fell head-over-heals in love. Three short months later we were married.

In the past forty years we raised a family. We’ve been blessed with a wonderful daughter-in-law and darling granddaughter.

Together we traveled to Europe and lived in England for five years. We’ve lived and traveled throughout the United States. Always together. Always side-by-side.

The years have been good to us. And today I rededicate myself to her and another forty years.

Thank you for being my friend, my companion, and my wife.

To my Jean from Billy. I love you sooooo much. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox