Archive for April, 2021

We’re Live

Crossroad In Time is now live on its own page at:

Crossroad In Time – A Novel by Keith Shafer

Click on the link or go to the menu page for the first chapter of Crossroad In Time


He is Risen 2021

He is Risen!

Today is the day that the West celebrates what can be described as the most auspicious event of human history. The resurrection from death of Jesus of Nazareth.

When my novel was forming in my head the notion of Jesus rising from the dead took center stage. As the church historian, Jaroslav Pelikan said near the end of his life, “If Christ is risen, nothing else matters. And if Christ is not risen – nothing else matters.” Professor Pelikan reposed in 2006, about three years after I began tackling my book. As you will see as I introduce new chapters from my novel everything our time traveler faces is about that quote—and that thought. Read the rest of this entry