It’s funny how easy it was to fly from Las Vegas to Tucson in just a short two hours from my door to the limo—of course when you had money. No security, no ticketing, no hassles, I didn’t even have to leave my pistol behind. Since 9/11 air travel had really become a pain. I’d forgotten how much I liked traveling on a private plane.

“So where we headed Nigel”? I asked.

“About an hour’s drive sir,” he replied as the privacy screen rose between us, “Please help yourself to refreshments.”

I looked around the back seat and found the minibar stocked with wine, champagne, brandy, whisky, and scotch—an alcoholic’s dream come true.

“Fresh ice, these guys didn’t miss a beat,” I mumbled to myself. This limo had to be sitting at the terminal for at least three hours. Three hours in the desert and they still had fresh ice. Those executive terminal folks were great, and Staan was one class act.

Zeroing in on the bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label scotch I decided to forego the ice and go neat for my first taste of this very expensive liquor. Read the rest of this entry